Hotel Victoria Nürnberg
Königstraße 80 90402 Nürnberg Bayern, Germany
+49 911 24050 ab 82 EUR

Discover the Reichswald from the perspective of children.

Learn how to treat nature respectfully with the forest explorer children in a playful way and thereby make a sustainable contribution to climate and species protection in the region.

On 1 December 2023, we accompanied the Waldentdecker group on a walk in the Reichswald forest.Together with environmental educator Sabine Ratzel, who looks after this group as part of the Bund Naturschutz projects, we were able to discover and enjoy this idyllic place in the middle of nature from the children's perspective! Der Reichswald, der pünktlich zu Beginn der Adventzeit komplett verschneit war, ist eine ruhige Oase für Wanderer und Naturliebhaber, ganz nah an der Stadt. This tranquil area is not only home to well-marked hiking trails that stretch for several kilometres from the Naturgartenbad in Erlenstegen, but also many biotopes to make a sustainable contribution to climate and species protection in the region.

We were then able to build several snowmen here with the forest explorers and have a picnic with delicious home-baked biscuits and cake! It was a fantastic experience that we really enjoyed!

We would like to thank the Bund Naturschutz for this important project and for allowing us to experience it!
